Saturday, June 14, 2008

More on Cherry Picking

I met motivational speaker Tom Mitchell, Ph.D., who co-authored The Winning Spirit with Joe Montana, this morning at the farmer's market just as I was ready to leave. He is a former basketball coach and explained that cherry picking has something to do with a defender hanging back and making an easy play. Thus, cherry picking is when it's easy to get to the cherries. And I definitely had that happen with my cherries yesterday. The picking is the easy part -- the pitting, freezing, drying and canning take more work and planning. But I am still thrilled that I got to do it.

Now, to get to work on that raw cherry pie. I'm pretty sure that I decided to do it with some cashew creme as the filling in the nut crust.

And I am going to try out a new appliance that I received recently -- hint -- it has to do with pressure cooking. All good stuff but not as much fun as standing by a tree cherry picking.


The Veggie Queen said...

Your site does not seem to meet my requirements. Sorry.

my blog said...

I want to say is this diet food like thing is true? I think we are overdowing all of these things

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